- It's no use to hide. He is has spilled the beans. 隐瞒是没有用了,他早已泄漏了秘密。
- I think he is having a little romance with Julia. 我想他同朱莉亚有那么一点风流韵事。
- He is having a sandwich triangle. 他正吃一个三角形三明治。
- He is having a lot of fun playing with his father. 和他父亲一起玩,他很开心。
- In the time of 8, he is having breakfast. 八点时,他正在吃早饭。
- He is having therapy to conquer his phobia. 他正在治疗他的恐惧症。
- I often fantasized that what dream he is having. 我常幻想他在做甚麽梦,教他睡了仍这样投入。
- Why does a Scouser whistle while he is having a shit? 为什么利物浦人大便的时候吹口哨?
- He is having an identifiable trouble with his teeth. 他正患牙病,这是大家都看得出来的。
- Li Ping is interested in Engling.Now he is having an Engling class. 李萍对英语感兴趣。现在她正在上英语课。
- The affair he is having with his secretary is the talk of the office and he had better be careful. 他与秘书的风流韵事成为办公室议论的话题,他最好注意一些。
- Rumor has it that he is having an affair with his secretary. 谣传他和他的秘书有暧昧关系。
- He is loath to get out of bed on cold morning. 在寒冷的早晨他讨厌起床。
- He says that the house is too small and that he is having a room built on. 他说那房子太小了,他正让人在房子旁边加盖一间。
- Rumors go around that he is having an extramarital affair with a woman. 有传言说他和一个女人有婚外恋。
- He is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings. 在寒冷的早晨他讨厌起床。
- Every morning when he is have his breakfast,his dog is staring at him. 每天早上当他吃早餐时,他的狗总时在盯着他。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。
- Every morning when he is have his breakfast, his dog is staring at him. 每天早上当他吃早餐时,他的狗总时在盯着他。